Transforming Interior Spaces with Stylish Oak Door Upgrades

If anything can withstand the test of time, it is a high-quality oak door. Oak doors offer a durable, stylish and long-lasting door that can transcend fickle and ever-changing trends while retaining its beauty and functionality. The beauty of an oak door is so powerful that by simply changing an existing door for an oak door, you can transform an entire space.

Can You Upgrade Your Interior Design with an Oak Door?

There is no question that you can transform the look and feel of a space with a new oak door. They span the design gap between generations and trends and can offer a sense of tradition and modernity simultaneously, an impressive feat for a mere door. What are some interior door options if you are considering upgrading your space with a new oak door?

Interior Oak Door Designs

Maria from Doors Galore says “The real challenge of choosing an oak door is narrowing down the options to the few that you would consider the best candidates because there are so many beautiful oak door styles available.”

  • Glazed Oak Doors

A glazed oak door offers not only a beautiful door that will draw the attention of anyone walking into the room but they also offer an indirect source of light either through a clear or frosted glass. These doors  use glazing functionally as a light source as well as a design feature through the placement and shape of the windows.   

  • Solid Oak Doors

Solid oak doors convey a sense of strength and security through their weight and how solid they feel. For design options, there are near endless choices, from minimalist and sleek to intricate and complex, showcasing oaks’ beautiful grain structure.

  • Contemporary Oak Doors

Contemporary oak doors take modern, sleek styles and apply them to the timeless oak door. These doors can come in non-traditional shapes, with funky designs to invoke a sense that what you see is a piece of art that also serves a secondary purpose of being a door.

Internal Oak Door Finishes

Not all finishes are created equal and the finish you choose will determine the final look of your oak door. Thankfully, with a range of finishes to choose from, no matter your preference, you can find the perfect oak door for you and your home.

  • Unfinished Oak Doors

Unfinished oak doors are just that, unfinished. They are prepared and ready to be finished with a stain or lacquer by the first person who takes the initiative and goes for it. Many DIY enthusiasts and craftsmen like to use unfinished doors for their projects so that they get to be part of that finishing touch.

  • Pre-finished Oak Doors

Pre-finished oak doors are ready to install and are a favourite among most oak door lovers. With a pre-finished oak door, you simply find the spot for the door and hang it. Easy as that.

Oak Door Upgrades: Change Your Space

Oak door upgrades can completely change your space if you do it right. Find the right door for you and get ready to upgrade your interior design today.